This has been a bitter-sweet summer, but with all the ups and downs The Pond has survived and done well.
I had all three patrol boats in by early March and that was a first. We began the season with a bang with extremely warm weather and Covid and went out with one as well with a fun Labor Day weekend.
I want to extend a special THANK YOU to several individuals on our lake and the Community Club. Firstly, in all my years patrolling I have never received so many thank you cards and statements from individuals saying, “Thank you for keeping us safe this year.” That makes getting through some situations worth it. Special “thanks” to Tim & Sarah Gravlin, John & Dee Acuff, Martha Dillenschneider, Bob & Barbara Cooley, Dick & Carol Stuart, and Doug & Joan Carlson. Another surprise, I received a call from Janie Clemow. She was representing the members of the Lotawana Community Club. The ladies wanted to present my interns with a special gift for working the long summer this season. Let me say, when each opened their card and saw the gift certificate, they were speechless and could not believe the generosity of the club. Thank You ladies.
The events in my mind that really brought our community together were the fireworks the 4th of July, Lotawana Day with the Ski Show, Cardboard Boat Races, Air Show, Parade, and the bands that played for us at the Missouri Yacht Club during the summer. I do not think any other community can “boast” such a playlist of activities for the people.
On a more serious note, some points to bring up to prepare us for the next boating season.
- Driving counter clock-wise at ALL Times especially when traveling from west to east toward the Marina/Gas Dock/Boat Ramp. I still saw, even on Labor Day, boaters entering between cove buoys 3 and 4 when you should be somewhere between 1 and 2.
- Ski Flags……too many people are flying them off the side of their rack or the flag is not staying upright and flies backward when the watercraft is moving.
- Pontoons are still using their mooring lights when running on the main body. Only use when mooring your craft.
- Nonresidents driving PWC’s
- Tie all watercraft to your dock, lift or shore station.
- Label everything you own and use on the water with your lot/block. I have noticed more and more Lily Pads around the lake, many do not have any marking……these are not cheap toys.
- Help your new neighbors and we have a lot! Most do not know or understand our Rules & Regulations.
- Santa could bring security to your dock with a camera or motion detector.
Ending on a great note…….congrats to Tyler & Mallory on their wedding, two great Lake Rats!
See Ya