6/8/22 – Patrolling the Pond

     It has definitely been an interesting Memorial Day Weekend.  I think you name it, it happened.  I’ve never stopped so many people in my life.  I noticed the posting on Lake Rats………as usual it’s informative in some ways.  I greatly appreciate the homeowners that send me videos and pics of the infractions they witness……it’s a great assistance for the patrol.

      As for the young individuals that are working for me this summer, NO THEY ARE NOT PERFECT. They range in age from 20 to 27 and this is their first time to confront individuals and also be expected to see everything that is happening on the water.  This is not possible in a two-week period.  It takes 3-4 weeks to feel somewhat comfortable and look for specific infractions.  I love reading complaints from individuals that need to put into print their thoughts and how everything should be done according to their views.  I’ve lived out here longer than most and 36 years on water patrol.  It took me 3-4 years before I really felt comfortable about what I was doing and what to look for.  Think about your first job…….how long did it take you to really understand your position, what your responsibilities were, and your job performance.  Over the years, these young adults receive 4-1 compliments on their attitude and what they are doing on the water.  Constructive criticism is great, but to nag and just complain is a waste of breath and the time to print it.  Give these adults a break, they are working for you to help keep you and your family safe.

     I try and not write a lot of citations, exception is for no current watercraft decals, lot/block/license plate on docks, and docks in disrepair.  On the water, I usually give the homeowner a warning, record their lot/block and the infraction.  It happens again then I do write a citation.  Yes, I totally agree we have way too many homeowners (new to 3 years) that do not know or understand the Rules or Regulations and several have challenging boating skills.  The following are the infractions I observed over the four-day weekend, each watercraft was stopped by myself and I explained what they were doing wrong and a citation would be written if repeated:


  1. Illegal ski flag
  2. Ski flag mounted on the side or the back of the watercraft
  3. Watercraft not traveling counter-clock-wise
  4. Watercraft angling across the main body
  5. PWCs moving less that 50 ft from another watercraft
  6. Speeding into a cove past Cove Marker
  7. Boating inside the 100 ft
  8. Surfing outside the designated area of lake
  9. No observer for a skier
  10. Flotation devices for everyone on board the vessel
  11. PWCs turning 180s and 360s on the weekend
  12. Watercraft chasing each other
  13. Kayaks on the main body outside the 100ft on the weekend (safety issue)


     I know there were some homes that had the music volume up a bit and also on watercraft.  The “witching” hour to shut down everything is midnight.  Exceedingly loud music is not allowed at any time or music with profanity.  After midnight, you have two options…..if the music is on land then please call Lotawana PD……if on the water or on a dock then call my number 816-564-8250.

     FYI……. someone moved a cove buoy in W X or Mallard Bay to the middle……. the only people that can legally move a cove buoy are the operations crew and myself AND not legally…….. the dear souls that hit them at night with their watercraft!   Yes, I know that there was only one, but operations had to create an anchor…. now there are two.  I make sure all of the buoys are set and in place before Memorial Day Weekend.

     I can’t wait to see the next adventure that awaits us on the Pond in June.


     See ya