Lotawana Days was a success once again this year. Thank you to Kim Duncan and her crew for all their efforts in making the events fun for all, in spite of the blistering heat.
You should have received a communication from the Association office regarding the upcoming road closure in G Block during the week of August 15th. The culverts failed, which has caused the roadway to partially collapse. The contractor believes the work can be completed in one week, weather permitting. Please plan on an alternate driving route during that week.
In the last article we mentioned crushed rock being a problem in many areas of the lake. It is causing road damage, filling up culverts and ditches and otherwise is against the rules of the Association. We are happy to report that 98% of members responded positively to the requests. One member even brought her builder to the office to discuss the best solution to her issue. We cannot adequately express our gratitude when issues related to rules violations are hit head-on by members and corrected, instead of looking for excuses as to why the rule or situation does not apply to a particular member. Thank you to those who cooperated to make this lake environment a better place to live and less expensive for the Association to maintain.
Most of you have heard about the very unfortunate boat explosion that occurred in R block on the lake. What made matters worse is the boat, while on fire, drifted down the cove and caught another boathouse and boat on fire. Not in a million years can you predict that happening! The most important aspect of this accident is the grandmother and grandson are doing well after receiving 2nd degree burns. The second most important lessons learned is to remember to not fill your boats up in confined spaces and always remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the blower before starting the engine.
Finally, the summertime fun is almost behind us. Labor Day weekend will be here before we know it. After that the official Association calendar is only left with the Fall cleanup day on November 5th and Annual Budget meeting on November 8th.
Please call 816.578.4272 if we can help. I also can be reached at 913.305.7181 or email me at haroldmitts@lakelotawana.net. Be safe! Harold