3/25/20 – Association News

The 2019 Annual Membership Meeting was held on March 10th, 2020.  According to the Association By-Laws half of the District Directors were up for election to two-year terms.

2020-2021 Directors

The Directors elected for the odd numbered districts at the Annual Meeting are as follows:

District   1 –  Jean Hodges                 District   3 –  Jeff Moore

District   5 –  Harold Mitts                  District   7 — Chris Lang

District   9 –  Tim Wahl                      District 11 –  Ron DesCombes

District 13 –  Tim Gravlin                  District 15 –  Peggy Rudder              

District 17 –  Jeff Clemow                  District 19 –  Dwane Ficcadenti        

District 21 –  Ben Goforth                  District 23 –  Ryan Wickstrom          

District 25 –  David Van Raden         District 27 –  Austin Chamberlin

District 29 –  Tommy George             District 31 –  Rena Allin

District 33 –  Alan Switzer                 District 35 –  Greg Clagett

District 37 — Robert Harris

There were two districts that resulted in a tie but one of the members who was elected chose not to serve.  Congratulations to all the winners!          

At the time of this writing, over 100 members have not paid their dues yet. If your annual dues have not been paid and you have trash service, it will be discontinued on April 1, 2020.  If you cannot pay the entire amount of your dues, you may pay the cost of the trash service to keep it going. And please remember, you cannot register any boats until all your dues have been paid.

As the COVID-19 situation is evolving so are our standard operating procedures. For now, our office is remaining open, but by the time you read this, things may be different.  We encourage our members to utilize the Association website to download forms you may be inclined to pick up at the office.  We have a drop box that you can use outside the building for dropping off payments.  We will answer your questions on the phone or by email.  We will also be waiving the courtesy fees for credit card payments made over the phone in order to keep our staff and membership safe and healthy.

Finally, our Association Board President, Terry Haug decided not to run for re-election as District Director.  He served as President for a little over 7 years.  I think we all owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his service to the community and wish him well in his well-deserved retirement.

Submitted by:  Jan T. Olson – Executive Director

If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at [email protected] or call the office at 578-4272.