It is so great to see we have made it to March and yet another Midwest winter is almost behind us. Now that we have “arrived” the office shifts its focus from annual billing to boat registrations. Please note that if you have been unable to pay your annual billing thus far, it is now delinquent. Please pay your bill as soon as possible. At last peek approximately 90% of members have already paid. Thank you so much.
The Annual Meeting will occur on the evening of March 9th at 7:30 pm via Zoom. An email will be sent out with the necessary information to join the meeting. On that same topic, if you live in an even-numbered District and have not voted for your Director, please do so. You must have your ballot returned to the office no later than March 6, 2021 at noon.
The annual boat registration is ready to be mailed so please look for your forms in the mail in the coming days. You will see several changes to the registration process. The most prevalent one is the Association will no longer require a copy of your insurance information at registration time. Rather, in the form itself is an affirmation that states you will keep your watercraft properly insured during the entire registration period. The exceptions to this change are that you will be required to show your insurance documents if you register a new watercraft and the Association will also request on a random basis a copy of your insurance documents to verify that the required insurance coverage(s) is/are in place.
The Association lake water quality continues to be of utmost concern to the Association and is a topic of local conversation. Whether the source of undesirable water is from an improperly functioning sewer lagoon or processing plant, broken sewer line or problematic lift station, we will react swiftly to alleviate any such unwanted water infiltration. In addition, we are currently investigating the best water testing equipment to purchase and plan to have our own capability for in-house testing in the coming weeks. The Association will also continue to test the Quantralls cove at least twice monthly until ALL concerns about the water quality of that cove are put to rest. Rest assured, the Association will take quick and decisive action to hold all those persons, entities or others fully responsible for any contamination of the lake water. We, as an Association, will look to them (whomever that may be) to take care of THEIR problem(s) that adversely affects the lake.
If everything goes as planned, you will soon see a new fuel tank at the Marina. It will be in a new location on the south side of the block building. It will also include updated fuel dispensing equipment for your convenience. Please note that the fuel sold at the marina is premium unleaded no-ethanol gasoline. Your patronage is greatly appreciated!
Please give us a call at 816.578.4272 if you have any questions, concerns or if we can help you otherwise. As you know by now, I am always available at 913.305.7181 or email me at [email protected]. The spring and summer days are right around the corner. Stay safe! Harold