Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs for being the Super Bowl Champions! There are many lessons some of us can learn from what happened in that game. Never give up. Sometimes if others don’t get it right, keep focused on the future and do your best. Another is if adversity hits, such as an injury, power through it in the present knowing that you will have time in the coming weeks to recover. Certainly, Patrick Mahomes exemplifies that trait like no other. It was certainly a fun game and season to watch.
Please remember that the Association annual dues must be paid by February 28, 2023. If for some reason you have not received your bill please contact the office at your earliest convenience, or search for an email from Late fees will apply after the due date. Boat registration will be sent out around the 1st of March.
Now for the not-so-pleasant topic of the Association trailer lot; or at least that is what it has been referred to over the years. If anyone doubts what we are about to discuss, please take the time to look at the lot the next time you are in the area. First of all, please DO NOT CLIMB the double-wide gate to access the area. People have chosen to climb the gates in the middle where the two gates meet and they are breaking the hinges off the gates themselves. If you find yourself in an emergency situation and must enter the lot without unlocking the gates, please climb over the gates nearest to the support poles; not at their weakest point where the two gates meet. Of course, you can always call the Association for the combination code if you don’t already have it at your disposal. Second, the lot has become a dumping ground for just about everything imaginable, including old toilets, scrap metal, old dock floats, just to name a few. Please come and clean up any items you have in storage that are not currently registered trailers and/or boats.
In addition, the entire lot has not been mowed for many years in the areas where the trailers and boats are parked, thereby allowing tree saplings and weeds to become overgrown. So, we are going to do something about it. First, we are going to rid the lot of unregistered items. We have contacted counsel to determine the legal process to remove and dispose of items in the lot that do not have current stickers and lot/block numbers on them. So if you have purchased stickers in the past but have not taken the time to put them on, your stored property your will be at risk for removal and disposal. Enforcement and cleanup of the lot will NOT happen in the next few weeks. The intent of this article is to begin the notification process to members to have allowed items in storage properly and currently stickered. We will also embark upon a clean up process where we will ask members to move their stored items from their current location to another location in the lot so we can mow and clean up that area. You will then be allowed to return your property. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STORED ITEMS HAVE A CURRENT STICKER AND LOT/BLOCK INFORMATION ON THEM. 2023 applications will be available soon. In addition, guidelines as to what can and cannot be stored will also be provided. More information regarding this subject will be forthcoming in the near future.
DID YOU KNOW. All Docking structures must be constructed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the permit (3 pts). All docking structures shall be identified by Lot and Block in letters and numerals at least 3 inches in height in a contracting color and attached to a vertical surface of the Dock that is clearly visible from the Lakeside (3 pts). All Dock structures shall be identified with the proper license plate, as issued by the Association, attached to a vertical surface of the structure visible from the Lakeside (3 pts).
These rules are being enforced. Scott, our Association inspector, inspects every dock structure after it is approved by the Lake Improvement Board and installed by the member. He checks the measurements of the structure, as well as its position, to make sure it comports to the approved plans. In addition, the Association will be canvassing the lake to make sure that all docks are compliant with the Lot/Block and other registration requirements of the Association.
The summer months will be here before we know it.
Please call 816.578.4272 if we can help you or answer your question(s). I also can be reached at 913.305.7181 or email me at Be safe! Harold