It hardly seems like two weeks has passed since we last met. It likewise seems like it has been months.
For those of you that were at the lake on Halloween you enjoyed all of the festive events, including the Trailer-Treat 2020. Brett, Tyler and the rest of the gang contributed to a memorable day despite being in this persistent COVID environment. It is groups like this that make the Lake what it is – an awesome place to live and enjoy!
Please remember that the annual clean-up day is scheduled for November 7, 2020. We will have 4 dumpsters available at the Old Association office area, as well as have the Martin property open for leaves, limbs and small tree trunks. We still need more volunteers who will serve as monitors at each location to make sure that only appropriate items are being disposed of. Please look at your schedule and seriously consider helping us out by being a volunteer for several hours. No previous experience is necessary. Call the Association office if you are available.
By now the National, State and Local elections are behind us. I trust no one will miss the endless political ads that we endured for the past several months. As for our local budget election, if you are lucky enough to receive this paper before Saturday at noon, please remember that you have until then to cast your votes for the Association 2021 Budget and Special Assessment. It must be delivered to the Association office by November 7, 2020 at noon. Thank you to all those who sent me questions, concerns and support. All of them are equally appreciated. For those who are interested, remember there will be a Zoom meeting on November 10th to go over the same materials contained in the mailings you received.
So, what in the world is next for the office? Glad you asked. They will be busy preparing the 2021 annual billing for all members. We have upgraded our technology and hope you like its capabilities. We are also closing in on two communications software programs to do a better job keeping you informed of special events and need-to-know information. Finally, we are working with Jeff Clemow and his Board of Directors’ Subcommittee to improve the forms process as it relates to registration of boats and the like.
I know it was early this year but many thanks to Mike, Tyler, Steven and Josh for hurriedly putting together the snow removal and salt/sand spreading equipment to treat our roads during the first winter event of the season. With it being so warm and beautiful during the weeks before, I know it caught many State and Local crews flat-footed; but not them. We are lucky to have these dedicated men working with us. In addition, our sympathies and Prayers are with Mike (Showman) and his family for the loss of his father. The Showmans have been residents at the lake for many decades.
Now, for the do-you-know section, there are three primary documents that govern our Association. All three of them are available on the Association website for your review. First, the Deed of Restrictions. These restrictions have been in place since the inception and early development of the Lake. They control the dos and don’t involving the real property of the Association and members’ lots. Second are the By-laws of the Lake Lotawana Association, Inc. This document has been changed many times and guides the Board of Directors on how they function. Third the Rules and Regulations of the Association are changed from time to time by the Board of Directors after the proper adoption process is followed, including proposed changes being published in this newspaper. The day-to-day administration of the Association and its members normally involves reference to the most recent version of the Rules and Regulations.
If any of the Association staff can assist you, please call them at 816.578.4272. As always, please call me at 913.305.7181 or email at [email protected]. We/I will always be glad to be at your service. We also want to extend a thanks to those who contact us to tell us how pleased they are with the Association and its service to the members. While we don’t expect those calls, they are appreciated. We make note of those calls so we don’t go backwards in those areas, but we never quit trying to improve. Be safe! Harold