10/13/21 – Association News

The Lake Lotawana Homes Tour greatly exceeded expectations this year. One of homes on the tour saw approximately 750 people visit the home and view its beauty. The Pre-tour event was also a huge success at Marina 27. A special thank you to Russ and Tammy McElliott for inviting my wife and me to that event. It was well attended and a great social setting to visit with neighbors and friends.

During the dock moving process it has become apparent the some of the members’ contact information that the Association has on file may be incorrect and outdated regarding a resident’s telephone number, email and mailing address. On an annual basis the Association sends out a form requesting updated member information. However, despite this effort, obviously the updated information is not being captured in our records. Please take the time to review your contact information the next time the form is sent to you and update the information as necessary. You are also welcomed to call the office to verify your information. It is obvious why having this correct information is vital to keeping you timely informed and notified of Lake matters. We email and text important updates. We also use the information to conduct routine business with residents. A recent example of outdated information is we attempted to notify a resident to move their dock to accommodate the dredging process. It turns out that the email we had on file was 12 years out of date. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding regarding this matter.

Once again you are reminded that whatever information is posted on social media, including the Facebook pages associated with Lake Lotawana, will not be commented on by the Association. If anyone has any questions or concerns about the information being espoused on social media you are encouraged to contact the office. We will be glad to address your inquiries.

The budget process is proceeding in a timely fashion. The proposed 2022 budget was approved by the Ways and Means Committee, submitted to the Executive Committee this week and will be presented to the entire Board of Directors for their review and approval next week. It will then be presented to and voted upon by the members on November 9th, which is the Annual Budget Meeting. As of this time we are planning to hold the meeting in-person at the Church located just south of Gate 2.

As you will remember we changed the process for boat registration this year. Insurance documentation was not required at the time of registration but rather is gathered through a random review process throughout the summer months. This process has been very successful in terms of members’ cooperation, cutting down on paperwork and making the boat registration process more efficient. We have one more month of requests to go out and then we will be finished for the year. If anyone has any comments or questions in this regard, please contact the office and we will be glad to help.

Please remember the rule that relates to new driveways and parking pads within the Association subdivision. Simply installing crushed rock is not acceptable. The material used must be “hard surface or open hard surface”. Therefore, you must use asphalt or concrete. The Association has been focused on this issue and zero tolerance will be given for those that violate the rule. The amount of run off during rains of the crushed rock is filling up the roadside ditches, and worse our lake.

2021 has certainly passed us by in a rapid fashion. With Fall upon us, we will enjoy the Halloween decorations throughout the lake. There are certainly many creative people on the Pond. The season also brings with it the falling leaves from the many beautiful trees throughout the Pond. Please remember that it is not permitted to blow or rake or otherwise deposit leaves in the lake, streets or ditches along the road. The Martin property is available to residents to haul off their leaves, brush and limbs. You will need to contact the office or persons on the combination list to gain entry into that property. Please make that arrangement in as far in advance as possible. You are also reminded of Fall Cleanup Day. It is November 6th and the Martin property will be open from 8 am to 4 pm to lake residents.

Thanks to all for who you are and what you do for this wonderful community. We are available at 816.578.4272 if we can be of service to you. Please call me with any concerns or comments at 913.305.7181 or email me at [email protected]. Be safe!
