Patrolling the Pond: Spring is Coming Edition
Mike Miller, Member, Board of Directors, Sergeant at Arms
As I write this we are under a blizzard warning! What? It was 72 degrees a few days ago. Now the snow is falling. The wind is blowing. It’s as blustery as any day in January. But Spring is coming! That means more activity on the lake. And not just human activity. There are abundant of migrating birds on the lake now. I have seen photos posted of bald eagles. There are many others as well. If you are a bird watcher or just like wildlife you will be entertained! And despite the blowing snow of the moment, the migrating birds are a sure sign that warmer weather and spring temperatures are on the way. Spring means many things at the lake. Here are a few of those things to think about as we move toward the equinox:
- The Annual HOA Meeting is Tuesday, March 11th. Plan to attend to get the latest updates on all that is going on at the lake in 2025. You will also learn the outcomes of the elections of the even numbered districts. Vote!
- The Lake Improvement Board (LIB) agenda starts to fill up in the spring. If you have projects like dock work, docks, parkway work, or other work you are planning this spring or summer, you will want to get your plans to the LIB for timely review. And remember, it’s always better to check with the office before you do any work.
- The ice has melted off the lake. It went away almost as fast as it arrived! Now is a good time to take a few minutes to inspect your dock or have it inspected. Electrical lines and other dock parts take a lot of wear and tear with ice. For safety reasons and to plan for summer, checking those boxes now is a good idea.
- Review the calendar of events coming up this year at the lake. Many of the usual community activities are planned but other newer events are on the calendar too. Check it out and make your plans!
- While you’re attending the meeting or checking out the calendar for 2025, think about how you might contribute to the cause. It takes a small army of volunteers to make everything work. From events like Lotawana Day to volunteers on committees that oversee the work being done on roads, dredging, Ways and Means, and many others. There is more that goes on behind the scenes than you know. Any time or talent you can give is always appreciated and valuable.
It was only a few years ago that I decided to jump into the water and become the Director of our District. I now have a great respect for all that it takes to make our lake community what it is. And it makes me want to do as much as I can to contribute. There are many opportunities to volunteer. Pick your favorite activity or committee and have fun with it!
The Safer Seven is taking a break this week to get ready for a very active spring. We have many new ideas planned to raise awareness of the rules and regulations that so important to safety on the Lake. We also have some new ways to get some cool Lotawana gear. Stay tuned!
A blanket of snow now covers the grass. The blizzard is here. It should be a short stay. Perhaps it’s just the right amount of the white stuff that, when it melts, stirs the ground to awaken those lovely spring flowers. As the migrating birds leave for their summer homes, spring is soon to follow and take their place.
Coming up in the next edition of Patrolling the Pond: The Interviews Return! Always feel free to drop me a note at [email protected] if you have comments or questions.