Patrolling the Pond-March 20 Edition

Patrolling the Pond, March 20, 2025

It’s in the Bag: The Idiom Edition

By Mike Miller, Board Member, Sergeant at Arms

Once in a blue moon. As rare as hen’s teeth. Or how about this one…as rare as a rocking horse manure? These idioms, or groups of words that together that bring meaning, paint a picture and tell a short story of something that happens very infrequently. In this case, that would be my wife’s attendance at the annual HOA meeting. Yes, like a lot of other full-fledged, dues-paying, HOA members, the annual meeting just hasn’t been something she has gravitated toward each year. In fact, after 20 years on the lake (give or take a year we were off the lake) she has attended exactly ONE meeting. And that was last week.

Now you may think that I’m in a “heap of trouble,” and you may be right. After nearly 29 years of marriage you don’t write these things without asking. And actually, she wanted me to share. Why? Because of the people she met and what she learned from the presentation, she would say that attendance to future meetings is a must!  And yes, she even had a chance to volunteer at the meeting counting ballots from the election of even numbered districts. The bottom line? Just because you missed a lot of HOA meetings in the past doesn’t mean you need to miss any more. Don’t let another blue moon pass before you attend an annual HOA meeting. But you will have to hold your horses. The next annual meeting will be the November budget meeting.

The Annual HOA meeting is always loaded with great updates. Jeff Clemow did his usual thorough overview of what’s going on, what’s coming up, and all things budget. An off-agenda item caught my attention: Tennis and pickleball courts. Amenities like tennis and pickleball courts don’t come at a dime a dozen. Having fit and active courts give everyone more ways to enjoy the lake and adds to everyone’s property values. Fund raising as of last week is about 25-30% of what is needed. More fundraising is planned and include the summer concert series planned. Yes, more floating barge concerts are coming soon! If you or your business would like to donate, you can do so by calling Lake Lotawana Parks and Recreation or call the office. They can point you in the right direction. What is needed to move forward is no drop in the bucket and any assistance is welcome!

In the last column I promised an interview with Scott J., Operations Manager. Perhaps I bit off a little more than I could chew. We have tried to connect but we’re going to have go back to the drawing board I guess. And frankly, I will bite the bullet this time. Don’t get me wrong. This time of year is likely one of the busiest times for Scott and his crew. There is so much to do around the lake after the weather breaks. It’s no piece of cake. Throw in a few very windy days and the ever-present chance of having a fake spring (warm weather followed by snow which is in the forecast again this week) also throws a wrench into the mix. To add insult to injury, there are always new things that come up to add to the list that our operation crew typically handles with no issues. There are no cutting corners around here. Things come up and things get handled usually under the radar of most of the HOA members. Because our association operates much like a small city, the team gets things done come rain or shine and not at the cost of an arm or a leg. Stay tuned for more from Scott in the next issue. Better late than never right!

Idioms are fun. Most of us know at least one. Many of us use them every day! But the use of idioms in this column will probably be a one and done. The same can’t be said about my wife and future HOA meetings. I’m pretty sure she will be at the next meeting. Maybe it’s easier than giving me a penny for my thoughts. Too late. This one is in the bag.


This week’s Safer Seven about Spring in Missouri. Answer each question TRUE of FALSE.

  • In Missouri, spring officially begins with the vernal equinox, typically around March 20th or 21st.
    True –
  • Missouri’s spring weather is known for being consistently warm and stable without sudden changes.
    False – Just look at the last two weeks!
  • The Missouri state flower, the hawthorn blossom, typically blooms in spring.
    True – Sometimes they are called mayflowers.
  • Spring in Missouri is the wettest season, often bringing heavy rainfall and thunderstorms.
    True –
  • Tornadoes are more frequent in Missouri during spring than in any other season.
    True –
  • The average high temperature in Missouri during spring (March to May) is typically above 80°F.
    False – The average high temperature in Missouri during spring ranges from about 50°F in March to 75°F in May, not consistently above 80°F.
  • Redbud trees, a common sight in Missouri, bloom with vibrant pink flowers in the spring.
    True –
  • Bonus Question. How many idioms did you count in the main body of the


Safer Seven this week was co-created by Mike Miller with guidance from GrokAI