A Note From the President – January 2024

Happy New Year!

Dues and Registrations

With every New Year comes the annual payments to Uncle Sam, State, County, etc. and of course your Association Dues and Fees.  This year with your dues we invoiced not only for Registered Docks, but also Storage Property all based on yearend records.  This is part of our goal to reduce paperwork and streamline processes.  The one change from previous years is the Storage Lot stickers are not being issued directly to members.  We will be placing stickers on trailers, etc. in the lot as we prepare for the abandon property auction and removal of remaining unclaimed property in the March time frame.

The Water Vessel Registration process will be ramping up next with forms to confirm your registration and purchase of annual stickers that need to be placed on your water vessel(s) immediately.  This requirement applies to boats on the parkway, lift, moored or in the storage lot.  Please make it a priority to complete this requirement timely.

Silt Pond & Dredge Planning

The dredge committee continues to work on a master plan; however, we are not sitting idle waiting for the plan to be completed.  Over the past few months, we have been working with third parties to remove dirt from rim of Silt Pond #3 (Gates 3 & 4) and preparing the access road off V Block for Silt Pond #6 (Gate 7).  The goal is to continue to have as much dirt hauled off as possible to help us with our efforts.

We are expecting soon to have the completed Silt Pond #6 survey with all the boundaries and access road marked.  This is part of the effort to determine exactly what we have to work with in the way land for planning of dirt dispersal or removal.

Storage Lot and Gate 1 Cleanup

As noted above, we still have a lot of unclaimed property in the Storage Lot.  We continue to plan for an Auction in the spring to sell as much as we can that is not already marked for removal.  As part of the project, this year the Association will be placing the Storage Lot sticker on all property that has been paid as part of the updated invoicing process.

Going forward with what we hope are much improved records we will only be issuing stickers to members for new Storage Agreements.  We will be going forward invoice annually, all those that are still on record at year end.  This aligns the dock and storage lot annual registration processes.  It will be the members’ responsibility to communicate any property removed during the year and/or sale to another member.  If a sale is made the new owner must register the property as if a brand-new property and a new sticker will be issued.  This process will help us keep better records with less effort and reduce office work going forward.

Lake Level

We are fortunate that the lake is back to full pool and with the recent rain and snow should remain that way until early spring.  Fingers crossed we have a little more rain throughout this coming summer to keep the level higher than this past summer.

Snow Removal

A quick shout out to the crew for working all night during the snow storms to keep our roads in great condition.  In driving around, the metro after the storm we were blessed with by far some of the best kept roads around.  This is a perk of owning our roads, however, like any perk comes at a cost that we budget each year.

Cheers and I’m looking forward to another great year on the pond and success for our Association and all its members!!!!

Jeff Clemow