I want to purchase a new boat, what boats and devices are allowed on Lake Lotawana.

Refer to the Lake Lotawana Rules and Regulations for a full list of watercraft limitations and  prohibited watercraft/devices.

Click HERE to access our Watercraft Specifications Quick Reference Guide

When do annual decals need to be put on the boats?

Decals need to be purchased and placed on the watercraft by 5/1.

I have a new boat, what do I need to do to register it?

To register a new watercraft you will need an inspection, a bill of sale, proof of insurance (declaration page), a completed boat registration form, and $100 for a power craft or $50 for sailboats and watercraft used for mooring.  If you are a new owner you will also need to have taken and passed the Open Book Water Test.  Boat inspections should be arranged with Scott Johnson ([email protected]) before the boat is put on the lake.  Note:  3″ lot and block letters must be on new watercraft, along with registration sticker.

Click HERE to access our Boat Registration Quick-Start Guide

How do I put a trailer in the storage lot?

To put a trailer in the storage lot you will need to fill out the storage lot form and pay $100.00 annually.  For renewals of property in the lot, the storage fee will be charged on the annual dues invoice. Renewal decals will be placed for you on your property in the lot. All property in the lot must be identified with 3″ lot and block letters in addition to a current decal. Call the office at 816-578-4272 for the current code to access the lot, or call volunteers listed in the Combo List section of this website. 

Do I have to register my dock?

Each docking structure should display a registration plate.  The plate cost is $25.  Annually each docking structure costs $100 and that cost is billed with your annual dues. Lot and block should also be displayed on your docking structure(s). You may request a copy of your dock registration form(s) at any time. Dock registration plates should be displayed along the front lakeside leading edge of the main dock. 

I want to change my dock, what do I need to do?

Any changes to any docking structures require that a construction permit be completed.  Along with the permit, scale drawings are required of the existing and proposed improvement.  North should be indicated on the drawings.  If the application is for a dock, then all docks owned by the applicant, and all docks within 50 ft of the new dock, shall be identified with dimensions, roof elevation (if a covered dock), lot/block and registration plate numbers.  This includes all docks on the opposite side of the cove if they are within 50 ft of the new dock.  All distances between docks must be accurate.  The contour of the shoreline/seawalls must be indicated accurately (Google Earth or the Jackson County parcel viewer can be used).  If the above requirements are not met, the application will be returned.

Applications properly submitted will be heard by the Lake Improvement Board on a first-come, first-served basis, with all persons involved being notified of the time and date.  The number of cases heard each month is limited to fifteen.

Can I cut down a tree on the parkway?

You cannot cut down a dead tree on the parkway as this property belongs to the Association.  You also cannot cut down or trim live trees on the parkway unless approval is given by the Association and your neighbors. See our Rules and Regulations, section IV, D.8 on page 37. Contact Scott Johnson, Inspector, about the permitting process at [email protected].

When are the fireworks?

Fireworks are always on July 4th.  The rain date is usually set to be July 5th.  

Where does the registration decal go on my boat?

Rear right (stern) – refer to the Rules and Regulations for a diagram of decal placement for all watercraft and trailers in Appendix A on page 40

What direction do I drive around the lake?

Counter clock wise

Who has the right of way when crossing the path of another watercraft?

The boat on the right

Who must be present when a watercraft is operated?

The designated voter in the household or any member of the immediate family to include their:  grandparent(s), parent(s), spouse(s), son- and daughter-in-law(s), child(ren) and grandchild(ren).

How old do you have to be to drive a boat with a motor?

Under 9 years – Not authorized to operate a Watercraft with motor
Age 9 – 5 HP on not less than 14′ operate Watercraft with motors
10 – 10 HP
12 – 20 HP
14 – 40 HP
16 – No limit

PWC (personal watercraft, such as a WaveRunner) – No person under the age of 16 shall operate a PWC.  At age 16, you can operate a PWC if have completed the Missouri Water Patrol Water Safety Class. Otherwise can operate a PWC if 17 years of age or older. 

What are the speed limits on the lake?

40 mph day
10 mph dusk/night
Slow no wake in a cove

What are the hours that boats can be out on a holiday?

On the actual day of the holiday (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day):

PWC (personal watercraft) use is restricted to the hours of 2:00 pm until 1/2 hour after sunset or 100 yards of visibility, whichever shall come first.

Skiing shall be permitted only during the following hours:  sunrise to 10:00 am and 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm.

The Water Patrol may in their sole discretion curtail skiing during periods of heavy watercraft traffic.

No person shall operate a sailboat in an organized or scheduled racing competition that starts before 8:00 am or after 12:00 noon.

Wake surfing is not allowed on the holiday.

How many people can ski or tube at one time?

Maximum of 2 people can be pulled when skiing or tubing, either separately or together, on the same device at the same time. 

During holiday weekends (Memorial Day and Labor Day Saturday, Sunday and Monday and Fourth of July as defined by Board each year), only one person can ski or tube at a time for the whole holiday weekend. 

What does “designated voter” mean?

Choose one owner of the property that will own/register/insure all boats and sign all Association forms.  Their immediate family only can operate watercraft. The designated voter is who can vote for directors, budget, etc.

Our trash hauler is GFL Environmental.  How do I reach them if I have questions?

All properties with a house automatically have trash service at Lake Lotawana. Call GFL directly at 816-380-5595 or email them at [email protected]. If you need containers please call our office at 816-578-4272 and we will ask GFL to deliver them to you. They pick up trash, recycling, and up to 10 bags/bundles of yard waste each week. 

What will they accept in the recycling bins?

CLICK HERE for link to list of items that can go in your curbside recycling bin.


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