Ditch Clean-out for East Shore

The Lake Lotawana Association, Inc. will be starting the ditch cleanout for the east side of the lake from the dam to the E. Alley Road intersection. The goal is to start Thursday, August 8th.

The maintenance planned will focus on digging out all materials that have filled ditches and blocked any culverts.  This is Phase I of the ditch cleaning and maintenance plan.  Phase II will come later when rains have had a chance to washout driveway culverts.  A secondary cleaning of any additional washout will be done along with the identification of any clogged culverts.  Phase III will be to work on clogged culverts and clear them.

There will be further communications as we roll out this plan and gain information on conditions.

Please be careful of the crews working on the roadside and let your guests and contractors know to be on the lookout.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office at 816-578-4272 or info@lakelotawana.net.