Call the Office at 816-578-4272 or email [email protected] for director contact information.
1 | A6-45 A TR A -F | Bryan Macey | |
2 | A-1-5, A46-51, B1-16, B43-51,B TR A | Perry Anderson | |
3 | B17-42, B TR B,C, C1-8, C102-110 | Treasurer | Jeff Moore |
4 | C9-37, C84-101 | Rob Lewis | |
5 | C38-59, C68-83, C TR A-D | Tom Croker | |
6 | C60-67, E and F Blocks, FTracts | Frank Wolfson | |
7 | G1-24, G36-74, G TR 1-5 | Chris Lang | |
8 | G25-35, G75-79, I TR A-F, J, I1-8, I31-37 | Steve Fritz | |
9 | H1-5, H96-101, H TR A, I9-30, I38-70 | Cameron Smith | |
10 | H6-28, H81-95, H107-114 | Michele Ratigan | |
11 | H29-80, H102-106 | Sergeant At Arms | Mike Miller |
12 | T70-76, T133, U, WR | David Adamczyk | |
13 | T50-69, T77, T134-182, T TR A-F | Roads | Tim Gravlin |
14 | T12-49, TL4-18 | Don Leven | |
15 | T1-11, T93-132,TL1-3, TL19-30 | Susan Troester | |
16 | S51-88, T78-92, SA11-12 | Ways & Means | Nancy Myers |
17 | S7-50, SA1-10, SG5-8 | President | Jeff Clemow |
18 | S1-6, SG1-4, R79-103 | Mickey Booth | |
19 | R32-78, R132-140, R201-202, R TR 1&3-9 | Jeff Chapman | |
20 | R1-31, R104-121 | Roger Hibbard | |
21 | K1-32, L1-17, L116-122, L129-131 | Hal Cosgrove | |
22 | L18-46, L123-128, L132-143 | Secretary | Amy McVay |
23 | L47-82, L144-154, L200-217, L TR A & C-F | Maria Dempsey | |
24 | L83-115, L218-237, L TR B, M1-4, M74-76 | Kyle Twenter | |
25 | M5-39, M77-126, M TR A & B | Jon Dold | |
26 | M40-73, M127-153 | Brad Barnhart | |
27 | N1-26, N68-74 | Austin Chamberlin | |
28 | N27-67-N75-82, N TR A&B | Michael Morlan | |
29 | O, O TR A&B, P4-26, P98-119, P TR B-E | Doug Martin | |
30 | P1-3, P95-97, V23-24, V35-79, V TR A | Enviro & Water | Dave Williams |
31 | V1-22, V25-34, W33-36, W69-72 | Bruce Fate | |
32 | W5-32, W37-68, W TR. A-C | Chris Ridler | |
33 | W1-4, X12-32, X40-61, X TR A-E | Alan Switzer | |
34 | X1-11, X33-39, Y26-37, Y68-80,Y TR A-B | Rules & Regs | Dave Cooley |
35 | Y1-25, Y38-67, Z45-68 | Steve Wolf | |
36 | Z22-44, Z69-93 | Spencer Brackman | |
37 | Z1-21, Z94-107,Z TR A-C | Robert Harris | |