8/28/19 – Association News

What occupies the Association staff and Board of Directors as the summer boating season winds down?  Next year’s budget.  The Ways and Means Committee will gather data from the various committees and departments develop a preliminary budget during the month of September and present it to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors at the October meetings for approval. 

Once approved by the Board, ballots will be sent out to all the members to be voted on at the November 12th full membership meeting.  There will be ballots for the overall budget and probably some special assessments as well. 

The overall budget includes things like dues, permit fees, road impact fees, boat and dock license fees as well as every expense item for the entire next year.  Last year, the Budget Committee was tasked with trying to come up with a way to upgrade the Water Patrol and Operations dock and the gas docks at the marina.  Those projects passed with a “special assessment” and should be completed this fall.  This year we will be tackling some important decisions regarding upgrading and repairing some of the major culverts around the lake roads.  Also, there are still a few pieces of equipment that we need to purchase to complete the barge/mini-excavator project so that we can do some much needed work on cleaning out the backs of the coves for our members.  We will be discussing increasing the Operations staff as the needs of the membership increase. Plus, we will have to step up the funding for the Roads Reserve account as the next repaving project looms in our not so distant future.  Some big decisions are going to be made.  We encourage input from our members.  Let your voice be heard.  Contact your District Director.

Submitted by:  Jan T. Olson – Executive Director

If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at [email protected] or call the office at 578-4272.