We have now received the final electrical safety report from the dock inspectors. We are making some progress. Unfortunately, it has not been enough. There was a total of 763 docks inspected this year. Of those docks, 144 could not be inspected due to the power being turned off. These docks will not pass until they are properly inspected. Of the 585 docks that could be inspected, almost 200 failed at least one of the criteria for a compliant dock. If you haven’t received your inspection reports, you will shortly. The board has given the members two years to get their docks safe without consequence. This year that will change. At the September Board of Director’s meeting they voted that any noncompliant docks will be given until the end of 2017 to get their docks fixed. Members whose docks are not brought into full compliance by then will get a 6 point citation. Also, members with noncompliant docks will not be able to register their boats in 2018 until their docks pass inspection. The Association will pay for one reinspection that takes place prior to the deadline. After that, the member will need to pay the inspectors a trip charge ($94) for a reinspection and a letter of release to get their 2018 boat stickers. Please note: since there may have been some time overlap between the 2017 inspection and your dock being fixed, it’s possible that your report letter will be obsolete. If that’s the case just let us know and we will get you on the reinspection list. I believe overall that all members want the safety of those who use the Lake to be a priority. As one of the Directors said at the last board meeting, it’s time that we show it.
In my last column, I mentioned the need for a special assessment in the 2018 budget. I’ve heard from a few members about it and a little clarity may be in order. We have earmarked several projects that will require special funding. The spillway project will cost $400K, the dam bridge project will cost $100K and renovating the boat ramp will cost $30K. The Basin #6 project costing $270K has been mostly paid for from our 2017 cash reserves (a result of income and expenses favorable to budget) and a sale of some Association property. We anticipate the need to borrow $70K to complete the project and we would prefer to use part of the special assessment to pay off that loan. That adds up to the $600K that a $500 special assessment would generate. These numbers are still preliminary. By the November meeting we will have more specific details.
Finally, a couple of pieces of good news. Our trash service company has agreed to a “single-stream” recycling program as opposed to the green bags of sorted material. And, by the time you’re reading this, we should be dredging in Sunrise Cove. More details on these topics will be found elsewhere in this issue.
Submitted by: Jan T. Olson – Executive Director
If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at janolson@lakelotawana.net or call the office at 578-4272.