The Boat and Car show was a complete success last weekend! For those of you who missed the event or have not taken the time to attend, put it on your calendar for next year. You will not be disappointed.
The Association office asks for your patience and cooperation as it conducts random insurance audits of a number of members each month. As you will recall, the Association no longer requires everyone to submit their proof of insurance annually. Instead, you certify that you have current insurance coverage(s) on your watercraft. The random audit is to verify that this new process is working as planned since you certify the existence of that insurance on your annual registration forms. Thank you again.
You are reminded that the Fall clean up days for November 5 and 6 for the gate 1 area for disposal of items and November 5th for brush and tree items at the Martin property. This event is ONLY for items coming from Lake Lotawana Association properties. More details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
We are including in the upcoming budget additional monies so we can concentrate on removing silt that already exists in all of the silt ponds. We are laser focused on this issue as it drives the amount of dredging that may be done, as well as where it can be performed. There will be more details given in the coming months. The reality of the situation is removal of the silt from the silt ponds will be expensive. In addition, we are looking at alternative sources for pumping silt to holding pools that are placed on level ground. Again, stay tuned for more information and the associated expense related to these efforts.
Please call 816.578.4272 if we can help. I also can be reached at 913.305.7181 or email me at [email protected]. Please be safe! Harold