The Rendezvous Quatre Boat Show was enjoyed by many on September 11th. The boat/car rides were also a big hit. Thank you to all the Participants and those who attended. There are some truly unique classic, vintage and retro boats that were on display. This is another event that makes Lake Lotawana a great place to live and visit. A special recognition to Tim and all of his unique cars, motorcycles and other things. He certainly has a very diverse and plentiful collection!
Please remember to order tickets to attend and view the truly beautiful homes on this year’s Lake Lotawana Homes Tour. The tour is scheduled for October 2nd from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Don’t miss this event, which showcases several outstanding homes located on Lake Lotawana.
The dredging operations in Big Rock Bay is finally progressing towards the main channel to the point where there is adequate space for the dredge’s flexible pipe and rigid pipe. This allows for the process to speed up verses working in tight places. A special thank you is extended to those already asked to move their docks in S and T blocks and for their patience and cooperation with the dredging process. All of us realize it is an inconvenience and expense to those who must move their docks for the operation.
The first meeting of the budget committee was held on September 10th. There are several more meetings planned. The proposed budget will then be submitted to the Ways and Means Committee, as well as the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for their approval. The ultimate approval will happen when you, as members, vote on the 2022 budget at the Annual Budget Meeting scheduled for November 9th.
Home sales at the lake are still brisk. Thus far this year 72 homes have sold. New boat registrations continue to be processed by the office staff. To date there have also been 3,634 boat registrations in 2021. The Lake Improvement Board continues to have a full agenda for each of its monthly meetings with the numerous construction projects still happening around the lake.
We are available at 816.578.4272 if we can be of service to you. Please call me with any concerns or comments at 913.305.7181 or email me at [email protected]. Thanks for being safe!