I must say the 2.02OK Pandemic Paddle Party was a huge success. Thank you to everyone from the Lotawana Ski Club for putting on this great event. All proceeds go for the youth of our lake participating in water skiing & shows put on each year. I understand that the Southwest Airline tickets (4) were auctioned off for $1,600.00. Now that is a Number! It was neat to see kayaks, paddle boats, paddle boards, canoes, and even a couple of row boats. There were 311 individuals registered to participate. Tommy Needles was our DJ on top of C-19 dock……kind of strange to hear music blast across the lake at 7:00 A.M.
That evening the MCY presented our lake community another fun night out listening to music in Sunset Cove. Couple of hiccups, it seems when ever we have crowds anchored people think of a reason to swim away from their watercraft more than 75 ft and they want to argue. This is a safety factor because of the consumption of beverages and moving boat traffic in a small area. In another situation, three young lads decided that the cove marker was a good “bouncy toy.” NOT!!! Homeowners, you are sponsible for your guest and their actions.
The Pond has been fairly good; however, there are still those that do not use their heads. I am still getting too many complaints of boats and especially PWC’s coming too close to other boaters. One must be more than 50 ft when passing and following no closer than 300 ft from a skier’s path. I’ve witnessed myself several people moving on the wrong side of the lake to avoid a slow-moving watercraft or overtaking a skier. A couple said they moved to the other side so I would have plenty of room to go counterclockwise. They didn’t want to hit the patrol boat! …….. wrong answer. If one is coming upon a slower watercraft or a skier or even “old” me……..YOU slow down and look for an opening to pass safely still moving counter clockwise……DO NOT move to the other side of the Pond. Now on a weekday there can be some wiggle room, but not on weekends with heavy traffic.
Still seeing ski flags blow backwards. I chatted with a couple of guys about solving the problem. We came up with the idea to use Gorilla Glue or Tight Right when tightening the flag down. Let me know if this works.
August will be here before we know it and the kids will be back in school……maybe. If they are the lake will quiet down greatly, but the best boating of the year to me is September and October; however, if the kids are not in school, we could be busy till the last of October. I had all three of the patrol boats in by March 15th which is a first.
A big “SHOUT OUT” to Glen Abrams & company from S-66. The evening of the 18th during the concert had a report of a barrel floating around K block. Sent the patrol over and tried to “rope” it for more than 30 minutes. It was too difficult using the patrol boat. Glen and friends came along in a pontoon and lent a hand. He tried wrestling it to no avail, so what does he do? He jumps in the water and takes on the creature till it was subdued and “hog tied.” I called Mr. Abrams Sunday morning thanking him and returned his anchor rope. He said, “We help each other around here. Anyway, this is payback to you for dragging the dead deer away from my dock earlier.” I think Glen came out ahead in this one!
Lotawana Day and Labor Day are still come come……everyone stay safe.
See YA