7/11/2024 – 1st Reading of Proposed Edit to a Rule

LLA has rules addressing work done on the parkway (common area) but has not previously had a rule addressing work done within an owner’s property lines. The office asked for this rule to authorize our collection of road impact fees for this work as well as for enforcement of the property setbacks defined in the Deed of Restrictions.

This is considered the 1st Reading of the revised rule. The 2nd Reading will take place at the next Board meeting in August after which the rule may be formally approved. If you have comments or questions please email info@lakelotawana.net or call the office at 816-578-4272.


Existing Rule on page 27:

Section IV:  Use of Other Common Areas, A. General Rules

3. The Owner of record shall obtain a revocable permit from the Association

and a Construction Permit from the City of Lake Lotawana before

constructing, modifying, and/or placing any structure on the Common

Areas. The Owner shall deliver a copy of the City permit to the Association.

The improvements shall be constructed, modified, placed, and/or

maintained in accordance with the requirements of the permits.


Proposed new wording to the existing rule (changes are in red):

3. The Owner of record shall obtain a revocable permit from the Association

and a Construction Permit from the City of Lake Lotawana before

constructing, modifying, and/or placing any structure on the Common

Areas or within the Owner’s property lines. (6 points) The Owner shall deliver a copy of the City permit to the Association.

The improvements shall be constructed, modified, placed, and/or

maintained in accordance with the requirements of the permit.