The new trash contract rolled out this week. As we expected there were just a few kinks that need to be worked out. First of all, a few members who have paid for trash services did not receive their carts. Those that have contacted us should be all set. Also, there were 47 members who had more trash set out than the 96-gallon cart could hold. If you generate more trash than the cart can hold, you’ll need to make arrangements with WCA for an additional cart for a small monthly fee. There were 24 members who put bagged trash out with no cart at all. Some may have done so because they didn’t receive a cart in the first place, which should be remedied by now. A few didn’t have their trash at the curb and had left it in their enclosures. Unfortunately, whatever arrangements had been made when we had manual trash service will no longer work and those folks will need to use a cart. Finally, we had 3 members who took advantage of the new free yard waste pickup, but one used the cart and two bagged their yard waste in plastic which is a no-no. Yard waste must be bundled or placed in paper recycling bags. All in all, we consider it a pretty successful transition.
The Association is looking to hire an Inspections and Compliance Officer. The person filling this position will be responsible for helping to assure Lake Lotawana Association Members comply with rules and regulations established by the Association Board of Directors related to three key areas of enforcement concerns: Watercraft, Construction Projects and Boat Docks. Successful candidate will be required to familiarize themselves with Association rules and restrictive covenants, work with members with permit applications, attend Lake Improvement Board meetings, establishment and maintain inspection data, and generate records and reports related to the three key functional areas outlined above. Interested candidates should send resumes to the Association office.
Finally, on a personal note, I will be transitioning into full retirement. For the next few months I will maintain regular hours Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. I will no longer be available to answer email, phone or text questions or solve non-emergency problems outside of those hours. Until a new Executive Director is in place, you may contact the office during regular business hours or contact your District Director when the office is closed. Contact information for your District Directors are available on the Association website under the “About Us” pull down menu.
Submitted by: Jan T. Olson – Executive Director