5/8/19 – Association News

The dock electrical inspectors are lined up and will soon be inspecting all our docks.  They will be flying a blue vendor flag on their boat and will be wearing brightly colored tee shirts so that they can be easily identified.  It is important that they can test your electrical circuits, so it is absolutely essential that the power be turned on at your dock. If the power to your dock is off, please get it turned on by May 20th.   In order to make this program affordable to the members, we cannot provide a date or a time for them to inspect your dock.  If you need that service, you can contact the inspectors personally, but you will be responsible to pay for their service call.   If your electrical service or disconnect is in a boat house or pump house, please leave it unlocked so that we can check it.  They will be checking for GFCI circuits, wiring NOT in conduit, extension cords used as permanent power, overhead wiring, wiring in the water and an electrical disconnect on shore within 30 feet of the dock (and visible from the dock.)  If you don’t currently have the red disconnect sticker, please contact us.  This year marks the 5th year of the program.  I am happy to say that most of the docks on the Lake have been brought into electrical compliance.  As we get them all safe electrically, the focus will switch to structural safety.  Docks should be safely secured to the shoreline and they shouldn’t have broken or missing boards.  They also should have enough flotation to keep them out of the water and if they’re covered docks, the roofs should be intact and well supported.  The last few spring seasons have brought damaging storms.  Docks not structurally sound quickly become your neighbor’s problems as well as your own.  Dock spaces have become rare commodities.  Water Patrol will be looking at docks in disrepair this spring always with an emphasis on structural safety.  Dock safety is a very important priority here at the Association.  Thanks for your cooperation!

The Operations Crew will be crack filling the road.  Please be careful when driving around the Lake.  Also, we’re getting very close to putting the dredge back in for the season.  Stay tuned for more details.

Submitted by:  Jan T. Olson – Executive Director

If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at [email protected] or call the office at 578-4272.