Although many things are not “back to normal” we are making progress getting somewhat “back to new normal.” There is now power and internet back to the gas docks. Unfortunately, as far as schedule is concerned there is still too much inconsistency in the process to announce one that is set in stone. When the “OPEN” light is on you will be able to buy gas. Right now, we are relying on volunteers and remodelers at the restaurant to satisfy Missouri Law. Hopefully by the time you read this we will be closer to a firm operating schedule.
Boat registrations are coming along but we are still well behind schedule. The Board of Directors has decided that we will extend the deadline for boat stickers to be on all boats by July 1st. The office is still closed to walk-in traffic, but folks are still able to come by for pickups and drop-offs during normal office hours.
The Lake Improvement Board met in a closed meeting on the 14th to discuss how to progress in the future while still maintaining social distancing guidelines. We believe that there is a good plan to start dealing with the backlog of cases. Stay tuned for more information.
WCA has a plan in place to begin delivering the new trash and recycling carts beginning on May 26th. If you are a current trash customer, you will be receiving a couple of mail pieces explaining the new schedule and procedures.
The dredge was launched last week, and we have resumed hydraulic dredging in Sunrise Cove. We are very close to having the hydraulics ready for the barge and mini-excavator ready to start on some projects in the backs of the coves sometime later this summer.
The Board of Directors has determined that under the current circumstances, we will forego this year’s dock electrical inspection program. I highly encourage the members to self-police their own docks and educate themselves, their families, and their guests on what to do if they feel electrical current in the water. There are great resources online that I would suggest, including the following website:
Finally, at this time, we are still planning on the fireworks show being held on the 4th of July. A lot can happen in six weeks, so stay tuned and stay safe.
Submitted by: Jan T. Olson – Executive Director
If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at [email protected] or call the office at 578-4272.