A special thanks to the many members who attended the Annual meeting last Tuesday evening. The presentation, made by President Jeff Clemow, covered the year-end financial information for both the Association and Lotawana Properties, LLC (the subsidiary that owns the Marina 27 facility). It also included topics such as the water patrol, fisheries, water contamination with pesticides and other similar contaminants, roads and culvert projects, dredging, trailer lot cleanup and the review/revisions of the Association Deed of Restrictions, By-Laws and Rules. For those of you who have not attended a meeting you should plan to do so in the future so that you are better informed about the lake community and are able to ask questions of the management.
Once again, the Association trailer lot clean-up effort needs to be mentioned. Since we are planning to remove and dispose of trailers and boats that are delinquent, unmarked or unclaimed, we are repeatedly touching on this issue to avoid issues in the future where people ask why their property was disposed of. A circumstance occurred this week in the office that is instructive of the potential for misunderstanding we are trying to avoid. In review of 23 records, 17 members had purchased their 2022 stickers for property they have stored in the trailer lot. However, none of those 2022 stickers were properly affixed to their property in the lot. In that case, the Association is going to assume that the item is not properly stored. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your 2023 sticker is put on your property in the lot. It will save everyone time and unnecessary confrontation when your property is gone from the lot the next time you go to get it. A typical example of the condition of the trailer lot is set forth below.
Since Ron’s retirement as Patrol manager, the Association has a new process for the removal of animals from the lake. If you have a situation where a dead animal needs to be removed from the lake, please call the office or me and we will attend to the issue the next business day.
In the last article the issue of ditch cleaning was mentioned. Further explanation of this process is in order. We are well aware that there are certain areas of the lake where the roadside ditches have not been maintained for quite a while. This has resulted in those ditch areas being filled in, grass grown and the ability to mow and maintain the ditch area became much easier. However, in that condition, the function of the ditch is greatly diminished, if not completely negated. This allows water to run onto the road, along side the road (thereby undermining the base of the road), as well as adversely affecting the proper water flow from uphill. While we will try to be good neighbors to all the members, there may be changes to the ditch in front of your property that will change the contours of the surrounding property. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation as we try to comply with Department of Natural Resources demands, as well as prepare the adjacent areas before a new road overlay is installed.
Once again, the operator of the fuel facility at Marina 27 is targeting the date of March 18th to have fuel available to members.
SAFETY FIRST – many members will be starting their watercraft for the first time this season in the coming weeks. Please remember to follow all manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for the proper and safe operation of the watercraft. While you may not think an explosion can happen, you are reminded that this very event happened on our lake recently. Be safe.
DID YOU KNOW: 1. Each person using the launching ramp is responsible for securing the lock on the gate after using this ramp (3 pts.). In addition, 1. An Owner or Family member must be present when a motorized Watercraft is operated on the Lake. A water skier is considered present. A non-motorized watercraft may be operated by a guest so long as an owner or Family member is within eyesight of said watercraft. (6 pts.) Please take the time to obtain a copy of the Rules book and review it on occasion. If you have any comments or concerns about a particular rule, call your Director for your District or call the office and we will do our best to share our knowledge regarding your particular question.
Please call 816.578.4272 if we can help you or answer your question(s). I can also be reached at 913.305.7181 or email me at haroldmitts@lakelotawana.net. Please be safe! Harold