2/28/18 – Association News

The Bylaws of the Lake Lotawana Association call for “An Annual Meeting of the Owner/Members shall be held each year.  The purpose of such meeting shall be to inform the Membership of the accomplishments during the past year and the plans and goals for the next year; present a complete statement of the Association’s financial condition; present any proposed changes to the By-Laws for vote by the Membership; conduct the election of Directors in the election years and permit the Membership to express their concerns and opinions to the Board of Directors.”  This year’s meeting will be held on Tuesday March 13th at 7:30 at the Church of Jesus Christ Colbern Road Restoration Branch inside Gate 2.  At this meeting, we will present the past year’s progress by the various committees and their goals for 2018.  We will discuss the financial position of the Association.  There will be a presentation by Dan Miller from our engineering firm Larkin-Lamp Rynearson on the construction projects at the dam bridge road and the spillway.  Chief Bill Large will be on hand to explain the proposed consolidation of the local fire districts and answer any member’s questions or concerns. It is also the night that we elect the District Directors for the odd-numbered Districts.  By now you should have received your ballots in the mail.  Please note: ballots will not be taken at the meeting.  The bylaws require that your signed ballots must be at the office by noon on Saturday, March 10th.  There is a spot on the outside of the envelope where your signature goes. Every year we receive unsigned ballots that cannot be counted and, some members try and kill two birds with one stone by enclosing their dues payments in with the ballots. Since the ballots cannot be opened before the meeting, any payments that are enclosed with your ballots will be late, and interest will be charged from January 1st.  The March Meeting is a great opportunity for our members to learn about everything that’s going on in our community.  It should be an exciting meeting.  Hope to see you there.

Submitted by:  Jan T. Olson – Executive Director

If you need to reach me for anything, please email me at janolson@lakelotawana.net or call the office at 578-4272.