2/19/21 – Association News

Happy 14 Below Zero Day!  When I took a photo of my outside thermometer last Tuesday morning, I was taken back by what I saw. I was more so when I stepped outside to shovel my driveway for the umpteenth time this month. Too bad we have not figured out a way to capture these cold temperatures so we can use them this summer to keep our coolers and contents frosty cold. My bet is during our children’s lifetime they will figure out how to do just that.

Although this issue was mentioned in the last article, I believe it is worth covering once again since we have received multiple calls about the alleged water quality of the lake. The basis of that concern evidently relates to the City of Lake Lotawana efforts to annex certain surrounding areas. So that there is no confusion by lake residents, the report that repeatedly has been referenced by the City and others is an analytical report dated November 21, 2020 reflecting the water condition of the Carriage Sanitary Sewer District #102 on October 30,2020. Lake Lotawana was not notified of this report until approximately 3 weeks ago, at which time we took two water samples. One sample was taken from the stream feeding into Quantrils cove and the other from the cove itself. The e-coli readings were extremely low as compared to readings we see during the summer months. Admittedly the two readings taken were not close in time to the October 30th sample that has been repeatedly referenced. However, we took the readings as soon as we were made aware of the issue and took them in our lake, not the site tested. The water quality of our lake is paramount, and we will remain vigilant in that regard.

Related to lake water quality, it is helpful for you to know that the process was already underway to change the frequency of the lake water testing. At this month’s Board of Directors’ meeting, authorization was given to increase the testing to at least monthly, with additional testing prior to major Holidays. Previously we only tested prior to major Holidays. In addition, we were given authority to investigate the purchase of our own water testing equipment and supplies, which will allow us to test whenever a suspected water quality situation warrants the same, as well as support the more frequent testing regimen and save substantial expenses.

Moving onto other matters, we have modified the frequency of changing the combinations on many of the locks on the lake, including the marina boat launch area, boat storage lot and Martin property. The combinations will be changed on the first of each month. If this new process becomes a problem as far as unauthorized use, we will immediately revert to the bi-monthly combination change.

The annual boat registration forms will be mailed out around the first of March. With the help of Director Jeff Clemow and his Board committee, we are revising parts of the boat registration process to improve efficiencies. Thank you to Jeff and his committee for their hours of work devoted to this process.

Just a reminder that the Annual Board Meeting, which includes the election of Board Members from the even-numbered Districts, will be held on the evening of March 9th via Zoom. If you live in an even-numbered District you should have already received your ballot and return envelope. Please remember to timely return those ballots to the office by March 6th at noon.

The audit of the Association’s financials is almost complete. The highlights of the audits will be presented for both the Association and the LLC (Marina 27 building) at the annual meeting.

Finally, we are in the process of reviewing all items stored in the storage lot on the south end of the dam. We will be determining whether rent for anything stored in that lot remains unpaid. If so, we will be moving forward with the process of removing, selling or otherwise disposing of those trailers or other stored items. Please contact the office if you have any concerns as to your stored property.

If any of us can assist you, please call us at 816.578.4272. As always, please call me at 913.305.7181 or email at [email protected]. Be safe! Harold